Make an appointment Louis Gosselin Avocat | Make an appointment Make an appointment Personal informations Full Name Adress City Province Quebec Alberta British Columbia Prince Edward Island Manitoba New Brunswick New Scotland Ontario Saskatchewan Newfoundland and Labrador Nunavut Northwest Territories Yukon Postal code E-mail Phone number Date of Birth Your mother's maiden name Social security number Income security benefit file number if applicable Name of employer Adress City Province Quebec Alberta British Columbia Prince Edward Island Manitoba New Brunswick New Scotland Ontario Saskatchewan Newfoundland and Labrador Nunavut Northwest Territories Yukon Postal code Phone number Cell Information about your different Start date of living together Wedding date Date of end of common life Date of divorce Date of last judgment Court file number First child's first and last name Date of Birth Last name and first name of the second child Date of Birth Last name and first name of the third child Date of Birth Surname and first name of the fourth child Object of the different Child care Access rights Child support Division of family property Divorced Sharing of family patrimony Dissolution of the matrimonial regime Spousal support Other Brief description of the situation Information from the other party Full Name Adress City Province Quebec Alberta British Columbia Prince Edward Island Manitoba New Brunswick New Scotland Ontario Saskatchewan Newfoundland and Labrador Nunavut Northwest Territories Yukon Postal code E-mail Phone number Cell Date of Birth Mother's maiden name Social security number Income security benefit file number if applicable Name of employer Adress City Postal code Province Quebec Alberta British Columbia Prince Edward Island Manitoba New Brunswick New Scotland Ontario Saskatchewan Newfoundland and Labrador Nunavut Northwest Territories Yukon Phone number Send